Wayne Moloney
A lifetime in the pursuit of B2B sales perfection
I started my career in engineering but quickly realised my passion was in developing business, not designing industrial ventilation systems. Helped by a boss who also saw I was better suited to roles other than engineering (he wasn’t so polite) I went on to enjoy a successful career spanning 3 decades working in Australian, Asian and European markets that embraced all facets of sales and business development. I have worked across a diverse range of industries including fluids handling, pollution control, education, not-for-profits and ICT. Having experienced sales at the coalface before launching my consulting career, I bring a wealth of practical experience to the individuals and businesses I work with.
Having experienced first-hand the challenges with being promoted into a management role because I ‘was a great salesperson’ prompted my to write my first book, Your Roadmap to Sales Management Success. And believing that no one can reach their full potential in B2B sales without mastering the basic principles of selling led to my second book, Your Roadmap to Achieving Sales Success.
Being a founding member of Sales Masterminds APAC, a group of twenty local sales thought-leaders keeps me grounded and give me a strong support structure. It ensures I keep up-to-date with what’s happening in the world of sales and how changes in technology and buyer behaviour impact the way we need to help add value to our clients.
While sales is changing at a rate never seen in the past, mastering the basics of selling remains essential. My new book, ‘Your Roadmap to Achieving Sales Success’ is a no-nonsense, practical handbook that will provide those new to B2B sales with the skills needed to be successful; and is a great refresher for those who might have been around a little longer.